You know me. I'm a stranger. You knew me once. I'm someone you relate to from behind a screen. You have no idea HOW you got here thanks to a random google search. Regardless, thanks for being here.
I've almost stopped blogging many times. Yet each time I say to myself that I don't NEED to blog--I find myself missing it and I come back. I don't know how many people read my posts. I enjoy sharing my life. I find happiness in allowing others into my heart and mind in hopes that I can do the same with them.
I'm messy---really messy. Occasionally dirty--but always messy.
I love lillypie. LOVE IT. I find so much happiness in creating--even if it's just a little headband.
I have no business plan. I have no idea where I'd like lillypie to go. I always adapt it to my season. I do what works for my family and I. If I'm content with the amount of time I'm devoting to it and I have happy--returning customers then that's how it will stay. I would LOVE to do more wholesale in local boutiques.
When I saw a baby elephant nursing at the zoo I got jealous. Really jealous. I wanted to nurse so badly and for one reason or another my body wouldn't allow me to.
I get angry when I see on EVERY. FORMULA. CAN. "Important notice: Breastfeeding is best". I don't see the need to remind mothers every time they open their formula can that they aren't doing what's best. I believe it enhances mommy guilt and pressure on women to be an ideal "perfect" mother--which none of us are. The LAST thing a mother needs is to be slapped in the face with BF notices when the entire reason they have bought the formula is either they have CHOSEN to use it or are FORCED to use it.
I've struggled with Post Partum Depression with both my children. I hate it and wish I didn't have it--but I believe with every fiber of my being that the reason I have it is because the Lord wants me to help other moms going through it. I don't bring it up very often but I'm not shy about talking about it. I want to help other mothers dealing with the nasty beast that is PPD. I don't have much advice when dealing with PPD because I am still in midst of it---but I do want to provide the comfort that Yes, it's real. No, it's not forever. No, this isn't you. Yes, it sucks. Yes, you can handle it. Yes, the meds are important.
My husband and I make really adorable chicken nuggets. Proof?
it was reeeaaaallly windy that day..obvs.
I don't know how women/mothers functioned before the Crock Pot. Seriously. I think I could get rid of my oven at this point. It's used for making brownies and pizza. Hmm....and I'm pretty sure I could find a crock pot brownie recipe on pinterest.............
I often feel like I'm failing---but I know I'm not. I'm a good mother.
I'm most inspired artistically by color. I get excited about color and gravitate towards jewel tones. I think it's pretty rad that they're everywhere these days. I love pairing colors together and my favorite combo this moment is a reddish coral with a raspberry pink. Ughhh...swoon. I would love to talk colors and pairings with someone for long periods of time but haven't found anyone to do that with yet....
I'm crazy about my family. My perfect evening is when Scott gets home early and we have dinner together (from the crock pot of course). We take turns holding our wiggly Noah while Lilly plays in family room. The TV is off and phones are in the other room. A fire is crackling and a cup of coffee is in my hands. We read stories, do puzzles, play a game of candy land, laugh, dance, and sing. and my favorite moment of those evenings?? When Scott and I catch each others eyes and smile knowing that our life is pretty awesome. Our kids are ornery and fabulous. and we truly love each other. Ahhh---wish those nights happened more often.
see that terrible carrier?? dont buy a new one. the. next. day.
I'm happy you're here. I share my life because I love doing it. and also in hopes of creating new relationships with some of you. and I'm not just saying that.