Tuesday, March 9, 2010

breaking the addiction 1.5

So I've found a temporary solution. Pretty sure I'm breaking SEVERAL of the "never do's unless you want your baby to stop breathing" rules. Bumper, TWO blankets, and a quilt over the top of the crib to shade out the BRIGHTNESS that is her room. Sunday we got 3 30 minute naps in the crib. Baby steps.

Lilly: 1

Mom: 1

Later in the evening she fell asleep on me and I just COULD NOT put her down. She nuzzled on me! She squeaked in her sleep! The red carpet was on! She slept for 2 and a half hours on me.



Shucks. This is definitely a work in progress.


  1. I can't resist the snuggles either... :) Get's me every time... ;)

  2. Oooh, the snuggles are hard. I miss them so. I'm with Jen's comment on your previous post. Jonas was notorious for being a TERRIBLE sleeper until he was one. When it came to breaking habits, we would generally have a few really rough days (possibly with no naps - yikes) and right before my sanity completely left me, he'd finally sleep for a bit one afternoon. And then a little longer the next day. Baby steps, Laura. You're doing great...I know it's hard!!!

  3. it doesn't matter what age ...i love the sleepy snuggle baby!

  4. snuggles from babies are amazing! cant wait to have one :) I think you are making progress..keep it up!!

  5. I may become obsessed wuth you...Ha ha. No seriously. Thanks for stopping by.

    You're angel is BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh my gosh!

  6. Where did you get the butterfly thing in the corner of her room? Love it! Raleigh only slept in my arms for the first month...she hates snuggling! Is it bad that Im hoping the baby Im pregnant with now is a snuggler and will sleep in my arms?!

  7. Okay thanks! Ive got to get it for Raleigh! Also, I totally get that it would be hard holding her sleeping all the time---momma needs a break right?! Hope she naps for longer stretches soon!
