Sunday, March 22, 2009


First let me start off by saying all is well in baby world....but it didn't seem like that would be the case this morning.
I woke up this morning to one of my biggest fears. Blood. So I did what I normally do when I'm scared and not in control. I cried. I prayed. I called my family. I talked to the doctor. I put on my lucky yellow headband ( no, I'm not kidding) and we headed to the ER.
Once I was admitted, the nurse tried to find the heartbeat through the heart monitor and couldn't. She tried to assure me that this was not a sign of despair, however that fell upon deaf ears. I had my 12 week appointment not a week before and heard the lovely WOOSH, WOOSH, WOOSH without any difficulties. It's hard for me to think positively when the life of my baby seems to be at stake. I'd love to be a puppies and rainbows type person, like Scott, but I hate disappointment. It's easier for me to think the worst and be surprised. Negative Nancy, I know, but hi, I'm Laura.

We waited for what felt like eternity to be wheeled off to the ultrasound. As I was being carted off to a small dark closet-of-a-room my years of Sunday school kicked in. A random verse popped into my head. NO JOKE! (Thank you Debbie Meyer!) I didn't know what book it was from or what the full verse was, all I could remember was a snippet. Something along the lines of " I know the plans for you. Plans to prosper and not harm you." I was still scared out of my mind, but it did provide me some comfort. Isn't it crazy how God can do that for you?

Anyway, I was all gooed up, shaking, and squeezing the life out of Scott's hands. She moved the wand around for a while and then we heard a heartbeat. I asked the technician if that was just my heartbeat ( since that was all we could find with the heart monitor) and she answered me with a JOYFUL "NO!" Our little peanut was alive and kicking (literally, we saw it!) The little darling had a strong heartbeat of 160 and was swimming laps. We listened to that amazing WOOSH::WOOSH::WOOSH for about a minute and then she let the lil' monkey show off. Scott and I watched through tearful eyes our little miracle moving all around. The little guy even had the hiccups. The cutest hiccups ever.....
To wrap it all up, the doctors have no clue as to why all the blood. This is my fourth run in with it. We just keep praying....

Oh, and I found that verse!! It is Jeremiah 29:11 " 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' "
Here are some pictures of the sweet pea from today's ultrasound.

I'm so glad that I don't have to throw away my lucky headband! :)

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